Soil Carbon Management highlights the significant economic, environmental, and societal benefits that result from land management practices that maintain or increase soil carbon. Each chapter addresses a particular concern and potential options to manage it along with their real and perceived benefits. In particular, the book focuses on the benefits of soil carbon sequestration, specifically for policymakers, in addition to the potential for agricultural soils to generate soil carbon credits that could be traded in the broader greenhouse gas credit market. This well-illustrated text also includes charts and figures that highlight important points.
OVERVIEW, POLICY, AND ECONOMICSSoil Carbon Management: Economic, Environmental, and Societal BenefitsJohn Kimble, Charles W. Rice, Debbie Reed, Si?n Mooney, Ronald F. Follett, and Rattan LalEconomic and Societal Benefits of Soil Carbon Management: Policy Implications and RecommendationsDebbie ReedOn-Farm Benefits of Carbon Management: The Farmers' PerspectivesJohn M. KimblePrivate and Public Values from Soil Carbon ManagementSi?n Mooney and Jeffery WilliamsON-SITE BENEFITSEconomic and Societal Benefits of Soil Carbon Management: Cropland and Grazing Land SystemsRonald F. FollettOrganic Farming Enhances Soil Carbon and Its BenefitsPaul Hepperly, Rita Seidel, David Pimentel, James Hanson, and David Douds Jr.Benefits of Soil Organic Carbon to Physical, Chemical, andBiological Properties of SoilCharles W. Rice, Karina Fabrizzi, and Paul WhiteOFF-SITE BENEFITSSoil Physical Properties and ErosionRattan LalWetlands and Global CarbonSteven I. ApfelbaumWildlife BenefitsN.H. Euliss Jr., M.K. Laubhan, and Robert A. GleasonSoil Carbon and the Mitigation of the Risks of FloodingAndrew P. ManaleEnvironmental and Ecological Benefits of Soil Carbon Management: Surface Water QualityGary Pierzynski, Dan Devlin, and Jeff NeelUrban Lands and Carbon ManagementSteven I. ApfelbaumPrairies, Savannas, and Forests and Global Carbon Management-The ChallengesSteven I. ApfelbaumINDEX
Retired, Addison, New York, USA Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, US National Environmental Trust, Washington, DC, US Boise State University, Idaho, USA NRRC, Fort Collins, Colarado, USA OARDC/FAES, Columbus, Ohio, USA
! written by many authors from the USA, covers the problem, how to save soil quality for future generations and how to restore the ecological functions of soil. The authors discuss the new possibilities to develop policies for managing and enhancing soil carbon. ! presents new approaches to achieve positive economic, environmental, and social benefits due to good soil carbon management. !The book is divided into three thematically related chapters. !Data presented in this book are shown on clear figures and well-constructed tables. !very carefully prepared and written in clear language. ! recommended for a broad audience, including scientists and researchers working in the field of soil science and agronomy. ! can help in the formulation of future agricultural policies which consider the soil as a precious resource needed to sustain food, fiber, and fuel needs. Also students, nonscientists, and farmers find this book very useful and inspiring. --K. Hura and T. Hura in Acta Physiol Plant 2008