Learned and fixed behaviours underlie many of the patterns we observe in songbirds. But the environmental context in which these patterns occur is changing quickly, often to the detriment of the individual and species. The goal of this book is to weave concepts of behaviour more tightly into our conservation strategies. Each chapter describes the current understanding of behaviour in relation to a particular songbird life-history trait. The authors then evaluate challenges that songbirds face in the Anthropocene and explore the role of behaviour in addressing these challenges. The future is uncertain for songbirds, but broadening our management toolkit will increase the potential for success.
1. Static Organisms in a Changing System? / Darren S. Proppe
2. Habitat Selection in Human-Dominated Landscapes / Desiree L. Narango
3. Migration in the Anthropocene / Kevin C. Fraser
4. Conspecific and Heterospecific Interactions / Michael P. Ward, Valerie L. Buxton, Janice K. Enos and Jinelle H. Sperry
5. Sexual Selection and Mating Systems under Anthropogenic Disturbance / Ken A. Otter, Matthew W. Reudink, Jennifer R. Foote, Ann E. McKellar and Nancy J. Flood
6. Sociality and Antipredator Behavior / Amanda K. Beckman, Faith O. Hardin, Allison M. Kohler and Michael L. Morrison
7. Optimizing and Competing for Resources / Faith O. Hardin, Amanda K. Beckman, Alexis D. Earl and Jacquelyn K. Grace
8. Human Impacts on Avian Communication / Sharon A. Gill, Erin E. Grabarczyk and Dominique A. Potvin
9. Vocal Learning and Neurobiology in the Anthropocene / Broderick M. B. Parks, Andrew G. Horn, Scott A. MacDougall-Shackleton and Leslie S. Phillmore
10. Personality and Behavioural Syndromes / Kimberley J. Mathot, Sue Anne Zollinger and Todd M. Freeberg
11. Conclusion: The Role of Human Behavior in Songbird Conservation / Darren S. Proppe
Darren S. Proppe is a wildlife biologist with a background in research, teaching, and songbird management. His research is focused on exploring the impacts of noise on songbird behaviour, communication, and distribution; investigating the effects of development and urbanization on songbird behaviour; and designing novel techniques for managing songbird populations and communities in a changing world. Although his studies focus on songbirds, Dr Proppe is broadly interested in the intersection of conservation and behaviour, especially in relation to anthropogenic change. He seeks to develop out-of-the-box solutions for today's management challenges.
"This book takes a more scientific approach, aiming to review the behavioral studies focused on songbirds and to make suggestions on how the knowledge obtained from these studies can be implemented in the practice of animal conservation. The tone of the writing is primarily educational; it often reads like a textbook. Terminology is clearly defined, with key terms in bold face type."
– Erno Vincze, Department of Biology, Lund University, Conservation Biology