The Zagros fold-thrust belt (ZFTB) extends from Turkey to the Hormuz Strait, resulting from the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian plates during Cenozoic times, and separates the Arabian platform from the large plateaux of central Iran. To the east a pronounced syntaxis marks the transition between the Zagros collision belt and the Makran accretionary wedge. In the ZFTB, the Proterozoic to Recent stratigraphic succession pile is involved in huge folds, and offers the opportunity to study the stratigraphic and tectonic evolution of the Palaeo-Tethyan margin.
Few recent data were widely available on the southern Tethys margin preserved in the Zagros Mountains. The Middle East Basins Evolution (MEBE) program was an excellent opportunity to go back to the field and to collect new data to better constrain the evolution of this margin. In Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Zagros and Makran During the Mesozoic-cenozoic the structure of the Zagros Mountains is explored through different scales and using different methodologies.
LETURMY, P. & ROBIN, C. Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic–Cenozoic: introduction
PAUL, A., HATZFELD, D., KAVIANI, A., TATAR, M. & PÉQUEGNAT, C. Seismic imaging of the lithospheric structure of the Zagros mountain belt (Iran)
HATZFELD, D., AUTHEMAYOU, C., VAN DER BEEK, P., BELLIER, O., LAVÉ , J., OVEISI, B., TATAR, M., TAVAKOLI, F., WALPERSDORF, A. & YAMINI-FARD, F. The kinematics of the Zagros Mountains (Iran)
REGARD, V., HATZFELD, D., MOLINARO, M., AUBOURG, C., BAYER, R., BELLIER, O., YAMINI-FARD, F., PEYRET, M. & ABBASSI, M. The transition between Makran subduction and the Zagros collision: recent advances in its structure and active deformation
NAVABPOUR, P., ANGELIER, J. & BARRIER, E. Mesozoic extensional brittle tectonics of the Arabian passive margin, inverted in the Zagros collision (Iran, interior Fars)
AUBOURG, C., SMITH, B., ESHRAGHI, A., LACOMBE, O., AUTHEMAYOU, C., AMROUCH, K., BELLIER, O. & MOUTHEREAU, F. New magnetic fabric data and their comparison with palaeostress markers in the Western Fars Arc (Zagros, Iran): tectonic implications
LETURMY, P., MOLINARO, M. & FRIZON DE LAMOTTE, D. Structure, timing and morphological signature of hidden reverse basement faults in the Fars Arc of the Zagros (Iran)
BURBERRY, C. M., COSGROVE, J. W. & LIU, J.-G. A study of fold characteristics and deformation style using the evolution of the land surface: Zagros Simply Folded Belt, Iran
EMAMI, H., VERGÉS, J., NALPAS, T., GILLESPIE, P., SHARP, I., KARPUZ, R., BLANC, E. P. & GOODARZI, M. G. H. Structure of the Mountain Front Flexure along the Anaran anticline in the Pusht-e Kuh Arc (NW Zagros, Iran) : insights from sand box models
Mesozoic deep-water carbonate deposits from the southern Tethyan passive margin in Iran (Pichakun nappes, Neyriz area): biostratigraphy, facies sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy
PIRYAEI, A., REIJMER, J. J. G., VAN BUCHEM, F. S. P., YAZDI-MOGHADAM, M., SADOUNI, J. & DANELIAN, T. The influence of Late Cretaceous tectonic processes on sedimentation patterns along the northeastern Arabian plate margin (Fars Province, SW Iran)
HAJIKAZEMI, E., AL-AASM, I. S. & CONIGLIO, M. Subaerial exposure and meteoric diagenesis of the Cenomanian–Turonian Upper Sarvak Formation, southwestern Iran
HOSSEINI-BARZI, M. Spatial and temporal diagenetic evolution of syntectonic sediments in a pulsatory uplifted coastal escarpment, evidenced from the Plio-Pleistocene, Makran subduction zone, Iran
BORDENAVE, M. L. & HEGRE, J. A. Current distribution of oil and gas fields in the Zagros Fold Belt of Iran and contiguous offshore as the result of the petroleum systems