As in the previous editions, the new, 3rd edition of The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs describes each of the common well logging tools in terms of physical principles, basic tool design, log characteristics, quantitative and then qualitative, mainly geological uses. Petrophysics, that is, the use of logs for quantifying hydrocarbons is also considered, but only briefly. Following the chapters on individual tools, the information that all the logs provide is drawn together in chapters on lithology, facies, sequence analysis and sequence stratigraphy, in which geological applications are the main subject. All the chapters are illustrated by real log examples.
The 3rd edition of The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs contains much new material which reflects the changes that have occurred since the second edition was published. Included for the first time are Logging While Drilling (LWD) tools for all the conventional measurements, Modular Formation Testers and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) tools. There is also a much expanded chapter on the modern image logs, both wireline and LWD. A full contents list is shown below.
One more change. The third edition is in full colour throughout, as demanded by the modern log set and modern presentations.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 The Logging Environment
Chapter 3 Subsurface Pressure Measurement
Chapter 4 Temperature Logging
Chapter 5 Caliper Logs
Chapter 6 Self Potential Or SP Logs
Chapter 7 Resistivity Logs
Chapter 8 The Gamma Ray And Spectral Gamma Ray
Chapter 9 Sonic Or Acoustic Logs
Chapter 10 The Density And Photoelectric Factor Logs
Chapter 11 The Neutron Log
Chapter 12 Lithology Reconstruction From Logs
Chapter 13 NMR
Chapter 14 Dipmeter
Chapter 15 Image Logs
Chapter 16 Facies, Sequences And Depositional Environments From Logs
Chapter 17 Sequence Stratigraphy And Stratigraphy
Chapter 18 Conclusions