About this book
Provides an exhaustive description of the cytoarchitecture, chemoarchitecture, and connectivity of the rat nervous system.
Vasculature; O.U. Scremin, Cerebral Vascular System. Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nervous System; C. Molander and G. Grant, Spinal Cord Cytoarchitecture. A. Ribeiro-da-Silva, Substantia Gelantinosa of Spinal Cord. G. Grant, Primary Afferent Projections to the Spinal Cord. D.J. Tracey, Ascending and Descending Pathways in the Spinal Cord. G. Gabella, Autonomic Nervous System. Brainstem and Cerebellum; C.B. Saper, CentralAutonomic System. G. Holstege, The Basic, Somatic, and Emotional Components of the Motor System in Mammals. B.E. Jones, Reticular Formation: Cytoarchitecture, Transmitters, and Projections. A.J. Beitz, Periaqueductal Gray. G. Aston-Jones, M.T. Shipley, and R. Grzanna, The Locus Coeruleus, A5 and A7 Noradrenergic Cell Groups. J.H. Fallon and S.E. Loughlin, Substantia Nigra. J.B. Travers, Oromotor Nuclei. G. Holstege, B.F.M. Blok, and G.J. ter Horst, Brain Stem Systems Involved in the Blink Reflex, Feeding Mechanisms, and Micturition. T.J.H. Ruigrok and F. Cella, Precerebellar Nuclei and Red Nucleus. J. Voogd, Cerebellum. Forebrain; R.B. Simerly, Anatomical Substrates of Hypothalamic Integration. W.E. Armstrong, Hypothalamic Supraoptic and Paraventricular Nuclei. B.J. Oldfield and M.J. McKinley, Circumventricular Organs. R.L. Jakab and C. Leranth, Septum. D.G. Amaral and M.P. Witter, Hippocampal Formation. G.F. Alheid, J.S. de Olmos, and C.A. Beltramino, Amygdala and Extended Amygdala. L. Heimer, D.S. Zahm, and G.F. Alheid, Basal Ganglia. J.L. Price, Thalamus. K. Zilles and A. Wree, Cortex: Areal and Laminar Structure. Sensory Systems; D.J. Tracey and P.M.E. Waite, Somatosensory System. P.M.E. Waite and D.J. Tracey, Trigeminal Sensory System. W.D. Willis, K.N. Westlund, and S.M. Carlton, Pain. R. Norgren, Gustatory System. J.A. Rubertone, W.R. Mehler, and J. Voogd, The Vestibular Nuclear Complex. W.R. Webster, Auditory System. A.J. Sefton and B. Dreher, Visual System. M.T. Shipley, J.H. McLean, and M. Ennis, Olfactory System. Neurotransmitters; G. Halliday, A. Harding, and G. Paxinos, Serotonin and Tachykinin Systems. S.E. Loughlin, F.M. Leslie, and J.H. Fallon, Endogenous Opioid Systems. L.L. Butcher, Cholinergic Neurons and Networks. O.P. Ottersen, O.P. Hjelle, K.K. Osen, and J.H. Laake, Amino Acid Transmitters. Development; S.A. Bayer and J. Altman, Neurogenesis and Neuronal Migration. S.A. Bayer and J. Altman, Principles of Neurogenesis, Neuronal Migration, and Neural Circuit Formation. Subject Index.
Customer Reviews
Edited by George Paxinos