From quiet underwater craters to mountains that violently spew lava and ash, more than 1500 of the world's volcanoes are featured in The Volcano Registry. The volcanoes are arranged alphabetically, from Abek in Chad to Zuni-Bandera in New Mexico. Entries include information on the name of the volcano and the name's origin; geographical location; longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates; physical description and type; and a summary of activity, including information on the most recent eruptions and the damage done by the volcano throughout its history.
The introduction presents criteria for inclusion and definitions of frequently used terms. The entries are both easy to understand and thorough, making them accessible to new students of the volcano and those already well aware of the power of these awesome natural wonders. Appendices list unnamed volcanoes, features previously believed to be volcanoes, generic terms used in volcano names, and volcanoes found on Jupiter's moon Io. The bibliography allows for further research.
Harris M. Lentz III, prodigious researcher and independent scholar, is the author of numerous reference works. He lives in Horseshoe Lake, Arkansas.