Proceedings of a NATO ARW held in Luso, Portugal, June 1-5, 1992.
- Molecular Dosimetry: Use of Biomarkers in Quantitative Risk Assessment; L. Rhomberg
- Dose Response Relationships for Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Action of Genotoxic Agents: Measurement of Mutation Spectra as a Molecular Dosimeter; W.G. Thilly
- Biomarkers of Environmental Exposure: Public Health Assessment as a Tool in Identifying Human Exposure to Environmental Pollutants; M.M. Bashor
- Biomarkers of Toxicity: Stress Proteins as Biomarkers of Toxicity; P.L. Goering, et al.
- Biological Markers in Reproductive Toxicology; Outcome Based Biomarkers of Female Reproduction; J.F. Jarrell
- Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity: Behavioral Biomarkers to Identify Neurotoxic Effects; W.K. Anger
- Ecological Biomarkers: Animals and Plants as Bioindicators of Radionuclide Contamination in Forest Ecosystems; R.T. Palo
- Tumor Markers: Tumor Markers in Effusions; I. Gullu, et al.
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