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Water Encyclopedia: Domestic, Municipal, and Industrial Water Supply and Waste Disposal

Series: Water Encyclopedia Volume: 3
Edited By: Jay H Lehr and Jack Keeley
952 pages, no illustrations
Water Encyclopedia: Domestic, Municipal, and Industrial Water Supply and Waste Disposal
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  • Water Encyclopedia: Domestic, Municipal, and Industrial Water Supply and Waste Disposal ISBN: 9780471736875 Hardback Aug 2005 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 6 days
Price: £481.95
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About this book

Leading experts in water-related fields have come together to make Water Encyclopedia a one-stop, comprehensive reference about the world s most important natural resource. It covers designated topics in a clear concise and authoritative manner. The treatment is practical in orientation, keeping in mind the needs of the users. Theory is included only where required for an understanding of the topic.


Preface.Acknowledgments.Contributors.Domestic Water Supply.The Arsenic Drinking Water Crisis in Bangladesh.Bottled Water.Corrosion Control in Drinking Water Systems.Economics of Residential Water Demands.Gray Water Reuse in Households.Water and Human Health.Nitrate Health Effects.Domestic Water Supply-Public-Private Partnership.Methods of Reducing Radon in Drinking Water.Water Reuse.Roof Drainage Hydraulics.Septic Tank Systems.Domestic Solar Water Heaters.Household Drinking Water Treatment and Safe Storage.Virus Transport in the Subsurface.Windmills.Municipal Water Supply.Mixing and Agitation in Water Treatment Systems.Arsenic in Natural Waters.Evaluation of Microbial Components of Biofouling.Threat Agents and Water Biosecurity.Granular Activated Carbon.Competitive Adsorption of Several Organics and Heavy Metals on Activated Carbon in Water.A Real-Time Hydrological Information System for Cities.Chlorine and Chlorine Residuals.Modeling Chlorine Residuals in Urban Water Distribution Systems.Particulate Matter Removal by Coagulation.Selective Coagulant Recovery from Water Treatment Plant Residuals Using the Domain Membrane Process.Physical Water Conditioning.Consumer Confidence Reports.Water Conservation Measures.Preventing Well Contamination.Corrosion Control.Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention.Molecular-Based Detection of Cryptosporidium Parvum in Water.Cryptosporidium.Measuring Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocyst Inactivation Following Disinfection With Ultraviolet Light.Dechlorination.Desalination.Diatomaceous Earth Filtration for Drinking Water.Emerging Waterborne Infectious Diseases.Improving Waterborne Disease Surveillance.Disinfectants.Disinfection.Water Distribution System Operation.Water Quality in Distribution Systems.Design of Water Distribution Systems.What is in Our Drinking Water?The Economics of Water Resources Allocation.Answering the Challenge.Key Causes of Drinking Water Quality Failure in a Rural Small Water Supply of South Africa.Filtration.Water Filtration.Filtration With Granular Media.Slow Sand Filtration and the Impact of Schmutzdecke.Multistage Drinking Water Filtration.Multistage Filtration: An Innovative Water Treatment Technology.Particulate Matter Removal by Filtration and Sedimentation.Filtration Water Treatment.Synthetic and Natural Organic Removal by Biological Filtration.Granular Bed and Precoat Filtration.Flocculation.Fluoridation.Giardiasis.Gravity Separation/Sedimentation.Water Hammer.Health Effects of Commonly Occurring Disinfection Byproducts in Municipal Water Supplies.Health Effects of Microbial Contaminants and Biotoxins in Drinking Water.Drinking Water and Public Health Protection.1962 U.S. Public Health Service Standards.Ion Exchange and Demineralization.The State of the Water Industry-2004.Iron and Manganese Removal.Extraterritorial Land Use Control to Protect Water Supplies.Leak Detection and Water Loss Control.Lime-Soda Ash Processes.Lime Softening.Ion Exchange-Use of Magnetic Ion Exchange Resin For DOC Removal.Membrane Filtration.Water Meters.Microbiological Concerns of Drinking Water Distribution Systems.Nitrification of Potable Water Using Trickling Filters.Organic Removal.Ozone.Ozone With Activated Carbon for Drinking Water Treatment.Ozone-Bromide Interactions.Municipal Water Supply: Ozonation.Review of Parasite Fate and Transport in Karstic Aquifers.Particulate Removal.Pharmaceuticals in Water Systems.Point-of-Use/Point-of-Entry Systems (POU/POE).Assessing the Bactericidal Efficiency of Polydex for the Disinfection of Drinking Water in Rural Areas of South Africa.Private Sector Participation, Marketing and Corporate Strategies in Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage.Pumps.Radionuclides.Use of Redox Potentials in Wastewater Treatment.Repairing Distribution Line Breaks.Role of Small Water Reservoirs in Environment.Reservoirs, Towers, and Tanks Drinking Water Storage Facilities.Water Treatment Plant Residuals Management.Reverse Osmosis, Process Chemistry.Reverse Osmosis, Membrane Foulants.Reverse Osmosis, Membrane Cleaning.Application of Risk Assessments in Crafting Drinking Water Regulations.Potential Risks of Waterborne Transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7.Slow Sand Filtration.Approaches for Securing a Water Distribution System.Water Security: An Emerging Issue.Guide to Selection of Water Treatment Processes.Source Water Assessment.Hydraulic Design of Water Distribution Storage Tanks.System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).Settling Tanks.Treatment for Technologies for Small Drinking Water Systems.Ultraviolet Disinfection.Ultraviolet Irradiation.Water Disinfection Using UV Radiation-A Sri Lankan Experience.Drinking Water Quality Standards (DWQS)-United States.Valves.Removal of Pathogenic Bacteria, Viruses, and Protozoa.Water Meter.Municipal Watersheds.Public Water Supply World.Ten Key Trends That Will Shape the Future of the World Water Industry.Zebra Mussel Control Without Chemicals.Package Plants.Anaerobic Sewage Treatment.Persistence of Pathogens in Water.Well Head Protection.Chemical Drinking Water Standards, Past, Present, and Future.Industrial Water.Magnetic Water Conditioning.Water Impacts from Construction Sites.Industrial Cooling Water-Biofouling.Industrial Cooling Water-Corrosion.Industrial Cooling Water-Scale Formation.Economics of Industrial Water Demands.Electric Generating Plants-Effects of Contaminants.Energy Dissipation.Water Use in Energy Production.Evaluation of Toxic Properties of Industrial Effluents by on-Line Respirometry.Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.Hydrocarbon Treatment Techniques.Use of Anaerobic-Aerobic Treatment Systems for Maize Processing Plants.Bonding of Toxic Metal Ions.Application of Microfiltration to Industrial Wastewaters.Water Treatment in Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage.Industrial Mine Use: Mine Waste.Sugarcane Industry Wastewaters Treatment.Estimated Use of Water in The United States in 1990 Industrial Water Use.Waste Water Treatment.Aeration.Fine Bubble Diffused Air Aeration Systems.Air Stripping.Land Applications of Wastewater in Arid Lands: Theory and Case Studies.Technologies for Arsenic Removal from Contaminated Water Sources.Biochemical Oxygen Demand.Molecular Biology Tools for Monitoring Biodiversity in Wastewater Treatment Plants.Biosolids.Integrated Capacity Building Needs for Water Supply and Wastewater Sanitation.Wastewater Characterization.Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment of Wastewater.Getting Our Clean Water Act Together.Inadequate Treatment of Wastewater: A Source of Coliform Bacteria in Receiving Surface Water Bodies in Developing Countries-Case Study: Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.Denitrification in The Activated Sludge Process.Detergents.Ecological Wastewater Management.Waste Treatment in Fish Farms.Flotation as A Separation Process.Degradation of Chloro-Organics and Hydrocarbons.Landfill.Landfill Leachates, Part I: Origin and Characterization.Landfill Leachates: Part 2: Treatment.Macrophytes as Biomonitors of Polychlorinated Biphenyls.Wastewater Management for Developing Countries.Mercury Removal From Complex Waste Waters.Metal Speciation and Mobility as Influenced by Landfill Disposal Practices.Microbial Foaming in the Activated Sludge Process.Introduction to Wastewater Modeling and Treatment Plant Design.Practical Applications of Wastewater Modeling and Treatment Plant Design.New York City Harbor Survey.Nitrification in the Activated Sludge Process.Effluent Limitations and the NPDES Permit.Odor Abatement in Wastewater Treatment Plants.Aqueous Reactions of Specific Organic Compounds with Ozone.The Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in The Wastewater Treatment Process.The Role of Organoclay in Water Cleanup.Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment.Biological Phosphorus Removal in the Activated Sludge Process.Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors in Water Purification.EPA's National Pretreatment Program, 1973-2003: Thirty Years of Protecting The Environment.Problems Encountered During Pipe Repair and Renewal.Radioactive Waste.Reclaimed Water.Wastewater Treatment and Recycling Technologies.Wastewater Treatment Processes and Water Reuse.Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Research.Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse.Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Treatment Technology.Sewage.Domestic Sewage.Solidification/Stabilization of Hazardous Solid Wastes.Wastewater Treatment-Small Scale.Microbial Foaming and Bulking in Activated Sludge Plants.Aqueous Behavior of Elements in a Flue Gas Desulfurization Sludge Disposal Site.Sludge Treatment and Disposal.Wastewater Sludge.Processing of Sludge.Municipal Storm Water Management.What Wastewater Utilities Can Do Now to Guard Against Terrorist and Security Threats.Wastewater Treatment Techniques-Advanced.Trenchless Repair and Rehabilitation Techniques.Basics of Underground Water and Sewer Pipeline Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation.Water Hammer: Quantitative Causes and Effects.Constructed Wetlands.Using Ecosystem Processes in a Constructed Wetland to Treat Mine Wastewater in Ireland.Water and Wastewater Properties and Characteristics.Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment.Sewerage Odors-How to Control.Ultrafiltration-Complexation in Wastewater Treatment.Index.

Customer Reviews


Jay Lehr is Senior Scientist at the Heartland Institute and Senior Scientist at Bennett & Williams, Inc. He has written 14 books and over 500 articles on environmental science. He received the nation's first Ph.D. in Ground Water Science form the university of Arizona in 1962. For 25 years he headed the Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers. In addition, Dr. Lehr has experience as an academic researcher in environmental science and helped the federal government develop several levels of environmental regulations, including the areas of surface water and ground water. Jack Keeley is the former Chief of Groundwater Research at the USEPA Kerr Water Resource Research Laboratory in Ada, Oklahoma.

Series: Water Encyclopedia Volume: 3
Edited By: Jay H Lehr and Jack Keeley
952 pages, no illustrations
Media reviews

."..comprehensive coverage of the topic. I strongly urge that it be purchased for all reference libraries." ("Journal of Hazardous Materials", January 2006)

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