Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry is the first book to offer a comprehensive reference to oral pathology and dental therapy in captive and wild exotic animals. Comprehensive in scope, the book is authored by noted experts on the topic who cover dental care for a broad range of species with an emphasis on oral health. Designed as a practical resource for treating exotic animals, the book is filled with instructive photographs and illustrations that clearly depict pathologies and demonstrate techniques.
The book draws on the editors' and contributors' years of experience with exotic animals to offer a reliable resource to the history of veterinary dentistry, information on the evolution of teeth, practical dental therapeutics, and oral descriptions for each of the more than three hundred species included in the book. Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry covers a wide range of zoo and wild species, including cats, bears, primates, dogs, raccoons, weasels, hyenas, marsupials, herbivores, edentates, sea mammals, birds, reptiles, and more. This important resource:
- Offers a comprehensive reference to oral pathology and dental therapy in captive and wild animals
- Highlights oral health to promote overall health
- Includes information on the most recent advances in the field
- Contains a groundbreaking resource for the dental care of exotic animals
Written for zoo and wildlife caretakers and veterinarians, veterinary dentists, veterinary technicians, and veterinary students, Zoo and Wild Animal Dentistry is a practical resource that has information for the dental care of a wide range of animal species that are all too often neglected.
List of Contributors
Forweord by Frank V. F. Verstraete
About Peter Emily by Edward R. Eisner
Introduction by Peter P. Emily
Part I
1. A history of veterinary dentistry by: Colin E. Harvey
2. Odontology: A history of teeth by: Peter P. Emily
3. Special consideration regarding equipment, instruments and supplies
4. Dental form and function as it relates to dental therapy of wild animals
5. Carnivores
5a. Standard endodontics
5b. Surgical endodontics
5c. Periodontics
5d. Caries and other restorative procedures
5e. Combined periodontic and endodontics
5f. Ssurgery
6. Herbivores
6a. Standard and surgical endodontics
6b. Oral surgery
7. Marsupial and herbivore abscesses
8. Elephants and tusk therapy
8a. Tusk therapy for hog, walrus, elephant and hippopotamus
8b. Elephant dental therapeutics by: Gerhardus Steenkamp, Professor of Surgery and Dentistry, University of Praetoria, South Africa
9. Primates
9a. Endodontics
9b. Caries and restorative dentistry
9c. Periodontics
10. Avian fractured and maloccluded beaks
10a. Beak fracture repair
10b. Orthobeakics
10c. Beak repair for amphibians
10d. Beakistry: Orthognathic corrections and surgical repair on avian beaks by: Dr. Roberto Feccio, Sao Paulo, Brazil
11. Dental management of pinnipeds by: Steven E. Holmstrom, DVM, DAVDC
12. Practical anesthesia for captive wild animals by: Felicia Knightly, DVM, senior veterinarian, Memphis Zoo
Part II
Pertinent dental information, of 340 species most often treated in sanctuaries and zoos
13. Carnivores
13a. Big cats
13b. Small cats
14. The bear family
14a. Big bears
14b. Small bears
15. The primates
15a. Lower primates; Prosimians – suborder of Primates
15b. Higher primates
15b.1. New World monkeys (Central & South America)
15b.2. Old World monkeys (Africa & Asia)
15b.3. Lesser apes
15b.4. Great apes
16. Tree shrews
17. The dog family
18. The racoon family
19. Weasel family- weasels and polecats
20. The mongoose family
21. The hyena family
22. Marsupials
23. Large herbivores – the ungulates
23a. Primitive ungulates
23b. The hoofed mammals
23b.1. Odd-toed ungulates
23b.2. Even-toed ungulates
23b.2.1. Non-ruminant even-toed ungulates
23b.2.2. Ruminant even-toed ungulates
23b.2.2.a. Wild cattle
23b.2.2.b. Spiraled horned antelopes
23b.2.2.c. Browzing antelopes
23b.2.2.d. Grazing antelopes
23b.2.2.e. Horse-like antelopes
23b.2.2.f. Gazelles and dwarf antelopes
23b.2.2.g. Goat antelopes
23b.2.2.h. Deer
24. Small herbivores: rodents
24a. Squirrel-like rodents
24b. Mouse-like rodents
24c. Cavy-like rodents
24d. Other cavy-like rodents
25. Lagomorphs
26. Elephant-shrew
27. Insect-eaters: insectivores
28. Edentates
29. Bats
30. Monotremes
31. Marine mammals
31a. Wwhales, porpoises and dolphins
31a.1. Toothed whales
31a.2. Baleen whales
31b. Seals and sea lions
31b.1. Eared seals
31b.2. True seals (hair seals)
31c. Sea cows and manatees
32. Amphibians
33. Reptiles
34. Avian
34a. Birds of prey
34b. Scavengers
34c. Psittacine birds
34d. Ground-nesting birds and shore birds
34e. Aquatic birds
34e.1. Ducks, geese and aquatic birds
34e.1a. Ducks and geese
34e.1a.1. Ducks
34e.2a.2. Geese
I. Taxonomy
II. Types of dentition
III. Dental formulas
IV. Feeding adaptations
Peter P. Emily, DDS, Hon. Dipl. American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC), is certified in human dentistry in periodontology, pathology and radiology and is the founder of the Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation. Edward R. Eisner, AB, DVM, Dipl. AVDC, AVDC-Certif. ZWD, is retired from veterinary practice and Chair of the Veterinary Dentists without Borders program of the Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation.