Language: English
Volume 19 is dedicated to the Fabaceae, the third largest family in the Pan-Himalaya region, which will be covered in six books. Book six of volume 19 is the first to be published and includes 84 83 species (excluding two questionable species), belonging to 14 genera in five tribes. Of them, six species (Trigonella gracilis Benth.,Vicia benthamiana Ali. Vicia dichroantha Diels. Vicia ternata Z. D. Xia, Vicia rigidula Yoyle, and Vicia tibetica Prain ex C. E. C. Fisch.) are endemic to the region
Trigonella gracilis Benth. is recorded from China here for the first time; distribution information of some species are updated based on the examination of a large quantity of herbarium specimens. In the present book, 14 specific names are lectotypified, and two new synonyms are proposed. Some taxonomic notes follow the description of species, and related taxonomic problems are discussed
The scientific names are recognized here with very much attention, based on reliable specimens. Those names, which are based on misidentified specimens or recorded in the Pan-Himalayan regions only based on the literature but not reliable specimens, are removed in the present book
Tribe Hedysareae 1
1. Stracheya 1
2. Onobrychis 3
Tribe Trifolieae 10
3. Ononis 10
4. Parochetus 13
5. Melilotus 16
6. Trigonella 22
7. Medicago 30
8. Trifolium 51
Tribe Cicereae 60
9. Cicer 60
Tribe Fabeae 65
10. Vicia 65
11. Lathyrus 108
12. Lens 119
13. Pisum 121
Tribe Poiretieae 124
14. Zornia 124
List of nomenclatural novelties published in the present book 128
Index of scientific names 129