Language: English
Volume 46 deals with seven families: Lentibulariaceae, Acanthaceae, Bignoniaceae, Verbenaceae, Martyniaceae, Stemonuraceae, Cardiopteridaceae. It covers 52 genera and 245 species. For each plant the record contains a name, document source, type specimen information, morphological description, specimen citation and geographic distribution information, with a total of 141 line drawings included. It also provides information on the conservation and sustainable use of plant resources in the area.
Lentibulariaceae 1
1. Pinguicula L. 1
2. Utricularia L. 4
Acanthaceae 39
1. Nelsonia R. Br. 42
2. Staurogyne Wall. 46
3. Thunbergia Retz. 51
4. Acanthus L. 68
5. Blepharis Juss. 73
6. Barleria L. 75
7. Lepidagathis Willd. 88
8. Eranthemum L. 96
9. Petalidium Nees 106
10. Phaulopsis Willd. 109
11. Strobilanthes Blume 112
12. Hygrophila R. Br. 298
13. Echinacanthus Nees 308
14. Pararuellia Bremek. & Nann.-bremek. 311
15. Ruellia L. 315
16. Phlogacanthus Nees 319
17. Andrographis Wall. Ex Nees 335
18. Haplanthus Nees 339
19. Asystasia Blume 341
20. Phialacanthus Benth. 346
21. Mackaya Harv. 347
22. Codonacanthus Nees 352
23. Pseuderanthemum Radlk. 353
24. Wuacanthus Y. F. Deng, N. H. Xia & H. Peng 357
25. Hypoestes Sol. Ex R. Br. 359
26. Dicliptera Juss. 365
27. Peristrophe Nees 372
28. Rungia Nees 381
29. Justicia L. 395
30. Rhinacanthus Nees 431
31. Sphinctacanthus Benth. 434
32. Isoglossa Oerst. 436
33. Leptostachya Nees 441
Bignoniaceae 444
1. Oroxylum Vent. 445
2. Catalpa Scop. 449
3. Incarvillea Juss. 455
4. Pauldopia Steenis 501
5. Radermachera Zoll. & Moritz 504
6. Stereospermum Champ. 507
Verbenaceae 512
1. Petrea L. 513
2. Duranta L. 515
3. Stachytarpheta Vahl 518
4. Priva Adans. 520
5. Verbena L. 522
6. Phyla Lour. 526
7. Lippia L. 529
8. Lantana L. 530
Martyniaceae 534
1. Martynia L. 534
Stemonuraceae 539
1. Gomphandra Wall. Ex Lindl. 539
Cardiopteridaceae 543
1. Cardiopteris Wall. ex Royle 544
Nomenclatural novelty appearing in this volume 547
Typification appearing in this volume 548
New synonyms appearing in this volume 553
Index of scientific names 554