In this book, the South Atlantic Islands, grouped accordingly to their nationality Brazil, England, Portugal and Spain are discussed. With the exception of the Falkland Islands, all the islands are volcanic or have a volcanic foundation. Marine erosion is taking a drastic toll. Petrographical and chemical evolution of rock formations is described and compared with those of other islands in the North Atlantic.
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
The Brazilian Islands
Chapter 2: Saint Paul Rocks 4
Chapter 3: Fernando de Noronha 12
Chapter 4: Rocas Atoll 65
Chapter 5: Trindade 67
Chapter 6: Martin Van Archipelago 102
The Portuguese Islands
Chapter 7: Sao Tome 105
Chapter 8: Principe 125
Chapter 9: Fernando Poo 146
Chapter 10: Annobon 156
The British Islands
Chapter 11: Ascension 162
Chapter 12: St. Helena 195
Chapter 13: Tristan da Cunha Group 224
Chapter 14: Gough Island 286
Chapter 15: Falkland Islands 306
Abstract 336
Zusammenfassung 337
Bibliography 341
Subject Index 351
Index of Fossil Names 356
Locality Index 358
Author Index 365