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The Handbook of Alternative Fuel Technologies presents comprehensive coverage of the science and technology of alternative fuels and their processing technologies. This book emphasizes environmental issues associated with the use of alternative energy sources. It discusses solutions for short-term options for clean alternative energy sources, the development of long-term sustainable energy infrastructure, an environmental assessment of alternative fuels, and the cleaner utilization of conventional fuels in non-conventional applications. It also describes available technologies, government regulations, and alternative energy networks for production, distribution, and consumption.
GLOBAL ENERGY OVERVIEW; S. LeeWorld Energy ConsumptionThe U.S. Energy ConsumptionPetroleumNatural GasCoalNuclear EnergyRenewable EnergyGASIFICATION OF COAL; S. LeeSyngas Classification Based on Its Heating ValueCoal Gasification ReactionsSyngas Generation via Coal GasificationMathematical Modeling of Coal GasifiersFuture of Coal GasificationCLEAN LIQUID FUELS FROM COAL; S. LeeCoal Pyrolysis for Liquid FuelDirect Liquefaction of CoalIndirect Liquefaction of CoalCoal/Oil Co-processingCOAL SLURRY FUEL; S. LeeCoal Slurry CharacterizationCoal-Water SlurryCoal-Oil SlurryAdvanced Transportation of Coal SlurryEnvironmental IssuesCombustionRecent Advances and FutureLIQUID FUELS FROM NATURAL GAS; J.G. SpeightOccurrence and ResourcesCompositionNatural Gas LiquidsConversion of Natural Gas to LiquidsThe FutureRESIDS; J.G. SpeightResid ProductionPropertiesCompositionUse of DataResid ConversionLIQUID FUELS FROM OIL SAND; J.G. SpeightOccurrence and ReservesBitumen PropertiesBitumen RecoveryLiquid Fuels from Oil SandSHALE OIL FROM OIL SHALE; S. LeeOil Shale as Synthetic Fuel SourceConstraints in Commercial Production of Shale OilResearch and Development Needs in Oil ShaleProperties of Oil Shale and Shale OilOil Shale Extraction and Retorting ProcessesMETHANOL SYNTHESIS FROM SYNGAS; S. LeeChemistry of Methanol SynthesisMethanol Synthesis TechnologyFuture of MethanolETHANOL FROM CORN; S. LeeFuel Ethanol from CornEthanol as Oxygenated FuelChemistry of Ethanol FermentationCorn-to-Ethanol Process TechnologyEthanol as Transportation FuelEthanol VehiclesUse of Ethanol as Other Than Renewable FuelETHANOL FROM LIGNOCELLULOSICS; S. LeeAgricultural Lignocellulosic FeedstocksEthanol Extraction during FermentationLignin ConversionCo-ProductsEnergy Balance for Ethanol Production from BiomassProcess Economics and Strategic DirectionENERGY FROM BIOMASS CONVERSION; S. LeeThermal ConversionBiological Conversion: Anaerobic DigestionENERGY GENERATION FROM WASTE SOURCES; S. LeeEnergy Recovery from Municipal Solid Wastes (MSWs)Energy Generation from Polymeric WastesFuel Production from Spent TiresGEOTHERMAL ENERGY; S. Lee and H.B. LantermanGeothermal Energy as Renewable EnergyHistory of Geothermal Energy DevelopmentsGeothermal Processes and ApplicationsScientific and Technological DevelopmentsConclusionNUCLEAR ENERGY; S.K. LoyalkaNuclear Fission and Nuclear Reactor PhysicsElectricity Generation from Nuclear ReactorsNuclear Fuel CycleTypes of ReactorsPublic Concerns of Safety and HealthNuclear FusionFUEL CELLS; M.F. Ion and S.K. LoyalkaBasic ConceptsFuel Cell SystemLow Temperature Fuel CellsHigh Temperature Fuel CellsHydrogen Production and StorageCurrent PerformancesResearch and Development IssuesIndex
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Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO CD & W Inc., Laramie, USA University of Missouri, Columbia, USA