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Mangroves inhabit tropical coastlines and are particularly abundant along deltas and bays where rivers bring freshwater and sediment to the sea. This habitat witnesses great variability in sedimentation and erosion rates, partly governed by variation in hydrodynamics of rivers as well as the sea. Sedimentation and hydrodynamics have a great impact on coastal and mangroves dynamics. Sediment accretion creates new mud flats for colonization whilst exposure to waves and currents may strongly hinder colonization and promote coastal erosion. In sheltered coastal bays, mangroves were able to colonize newly-formed mudflats. Abrupt high sedimentation led to vast mortality in Avicennia but it had less impact on survival and growth of Rhizophora and Sonneratia. Water turbulence had great impact on Rhizophora seedling growth and survival. In contrast, Avicennia and Sonneratia were able to survive and grow well in exposed conditions. The integrating models showed that water turbulence and seedling herbivory had the strongest impacts on mangrove colonization success.
Preface Summary 1. Propagules, seeds and dispersal of mangroves and their potential sensitivity to sedimentation. a general introduction 2. Colonization success of common Thai mangrove species as a function of shelter from water movement 3. The effect of increasing sediment accretion on the seedlings of three common Thai mangrove species 4. Diameter and height-age relationships for common SE Asian mangrove taxa 5. Long-term mangrove progression and coastal recession along the coasts of Southern Thailand 6. Predicting mangrove colonization success: development of a simple, integrative, demographic model 7. Conclusion and general discussion
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Udomluck Thampanya was born in 1962 in Northern Thailand. She graduated in Statistics from Chiang Mai University in 1985. She served in the Royal Thai Navy as an officer engaged in simulated war activities, leaving to study for an M.Sc. in computer science in Bangkok. Her current research interest is in the impact of sedimentation on coastal ecosystems.