Dorylaims are probably the most diverse order of nematodes and are often an abundant component of the fauna in soils and freshwater habitats. As a result of their widespread distribution and many different feeding habits, they are considered as good bio-indicators of environmental quality and soil health. Their usefulness in this regard is only impeded by practical difficulties related to the accurate identification of the members of such a large and complex group. In this volume, Professor Reyes Peña-Santiago gives a detailed morphology of the dorylaims and provides a thorough overview of their feeding behaviour, reproduction, ecology, and diversity. You will learn what dorylaims are like and how they live, making Morphology and Bionomics of Dorylaims (Nematoda, Dorylaimida) an invaluable tool for nematologists, ecologists and other scientists who wish to embark on an in-depth study of the members of this fascinating group.
1. Concept
2. General aspect
3. Body wall and pseudocoel
4. Lip region and amphids
5. Stoma and feeding apparatus
6. Digestive tract
7. Female genital system
8. Male genital system
9. Nervous system and receptors
10. Caudal region
11. Feeding habits and feeding behaviour
12. Reproduction and development
13. Ecology and Biogeography
14. Diversity
Subject Index
Cited Taxa Index
Reyes Peña-Santiago, PhD (1983), University of Granada, is Senior Lecturer of Zoology at the University of Jaén (Spain). He is author of more than 250 contributions devoted to exploring the diversity (mainly morphology and taxonomy) of dorylaims around the world.