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With background material on environmental contamination, media, and costs, Environmental Site Assessment Phase I: Fundamentals, Guidelines, and Regulations, Third Edition presents a clear, concise methodology for conducting an environmental site assessment. After a brief overview of liability concerns and important terms, this book offers a useful comparison of prior ESA methods and new EPA mandates.
This third edition includes an easy-to-follow guide to identifying and clarifying the latest EPA standards and practices for all appropriate inquiries. All chapters are updated to reflect the latest regulations, and a new section addresses moisture and mold as well as other substances that may impact the value of structures.
Environmental Pollution Liability All Appropriate Inquiries Rule ASTM Standard Legal Terms Potentially Responsible Parties Previous Trends toward the Reduction of Environmental Liability Brownfields Amendment Costly Concerns, Not Considered Environmental Pollutants An Historic Overview Evolution of the Toxic Scare Other Hazardous Substances Environmental Crimes/Criminals Illegal Hazardous Waste Site Management Illegal Dumping Officials Accused of Criminal Negligence Costs and Damages A Proper Beginning Interview the Client Plan and Organize Begin the Paper Shuffle Develop a Sketch of the Site Physical Setting Geographic Description Topographic Characteristics Surface Soils and Subsurface Geologic Characteristics Surface Water Hydrologic Characteristics Hydrogeologic Characteristics 100-Year Floodplain Influences and Relationships Historic Usage of the Property and Surrounding Area Title Records Aerial Photographs Fire Insurance Maps Historic Topographic Maps Local Street Directories Property Tax Records Zoning Records Building Permits Certificates of Occupancy Health/Safety and Environmental Compliance Records Waste Management Permits On-Site Paper Detective Reference Manuals/Documents Mining and Natural Resource Records Regulatory Agency Listings Introduction Federal Listings and Databases State, Tribal, and Local Listings and Databases Federal and State Spill Listings Database Mapping Property and Area Reconnaissance Reconnaissance of the Property Reconnaissance of Adjacent Properties Reconnaissance of the Surrounding Areas Interviews Owners Site Residents Site Personnel Local Government Officials Neighbors Historians/Local Historical Societies Others Building Materials Building Records Hazardous Substance Building Materials Moisture and Mold in Building Materials Lead-Containing Material Hazardous Substances Associated with Buildings Illegal Drug Laboratories Industrial/Commercial Activities Industrial Processes Commercial Activities Special Resources Threatened and Endangered Species Critical and Unique Habitat Buildings and Structures of Historic Value Archaeological Resources Wetlands Wild and Scenic Rivers Coastal Dunes and Beaches Putting It All Together Summary of the Components Report Format Projected Risks Putting It All Together Recommendations Cost Projections Routine Audits and Updating the Records Sample Scenarios by Property Category Abbreviations and Acronyms Glossary Appendix 1 Regulatory Definitions of "Pollutant" Appendix 2 Summary of Important Environmental Regulations Appendix 3 Report Format for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments Appendix 4 A Checklist Approach Appendix 5 Sources of Aerial Photographs Appendix 6 Federal Sources of Information Appendix 7 HUD Standard Practices for Collecting Paint Samples Index
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