Insects have one of the widest distributions on the globe because they have adapted to extreme ranges of environments. Insect Molecular Biology and Ecology presents current entomological research, where molecular tools help to advance traditional ecological studies. Chapters include insect–insect and insect–plant interactions, mechanisms of environmental adaption, and use of insect biotechnology in pest and vector control. Insect Molecular Biology and Ecology may help to combine powerful methods in molecular biology with exciting issues in ecology in order to understand why insects become "masters of survival."
- RNAi and insect pest management
- Polyphenism in insects
- Terrestrial bioluminescence
- Advances in insect physiology and endocrinology through genomics and peptidomics
- MicroRNA functions in insects
- Plant volatiles in response to insect herbivory
- Insect "bio-weapons" and insect immunology
- BT-toxins and the insect gut
- Insect photoperiodism
- Polydnavirus and parasitic wasps
- Insect cold hardiness
- TMOF and insect biotechnology
- Toxins and drugs from insects
- Functional and ecological insights from insect genomes
- Neuropeptide signaling
- Chemical communication by sugars in ant-aphid mutualism